Wednesday, January 21, 2009

high fructose corn syrup

have you seen all those high fructose corn syrup commercials trying to brainwash us into thinking that shit is okay "in moderation?" if diabetes is okay in moderation, or if a complete collapse of the immune system is okay on occasion, then this commercial is accurate. but if you happen to try to avoid death and internal suffering on a daily basis, i suggest you read your labels and keep this stuff away from you and your children!

they came out with this commercial because people are starting to educate themselves about this poison. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP...READ ABOUT IT...IT'LL KILL YOU," in the words of huey from the boondocks.

high fructose corn syrup is even worse than sugar. it's cheaper. it's chemically processed. it's in just about everything in the grocery store.

juice "cocktail"

so how do we avoid it?

shop at the health food store
avoid all processed foods (i know it's hard, but it's your life!)

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